bearded dragon baby

bearded dragon care guides

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How to bearded dragon Guide.

baby bearded dragon

Bearded dragons

Bearded dragons are wonderful for both beginner and experienced reptile owners alike. In this short guide,  covers everything you need to know before introducing one of these lovable lizards to your home.
Ready to learn everything there is to know about caring for a real-life “dragon?”

bearded dragon
bearded dragon



Bearded dragons 10 things you should know before you get your bearded dragon

  1. Bearded dragons will require a lot of attention and care. It would be best if you fed and watered them daily, cleaned their home regularly, and they need regular social interaction to stay healthy and happy.
  2. Bearded dragons can grow up to two feet in length and require a spacious enclosure to live in. A 40-gallon tank is a minimum size recommended for an adult bearded dragon.
  3. Bearded dragons are omnivorous, this means they eat both insects and vegetables. A balanced diet of insects, greens, and vegetables is essential for their health.
  4. Bearded dragons require UVB lighting to metabolize calcium properly and stay healthy. This type of lighting needs to be replaced every six months.
  5. Bearded dragons are social animals and enjoy interacting with their owners. Regular handling and socialization are essential for their wellbeing.
  6. Bearded dragons can be territorial, primarily when housed with other bearded dragons. Separate housing is recommended for multiple bearded dragons.
  7. Bearded dragons need a basking spot to help them regulate their body temperature. Keep this at around 95 degrees Fahrenheit.
  8. Bearded dragons can live up to 20 years in captivity, so they require a long-term commitment from their owners.
  9. Bearded dragons can be prone to health issues such as respiratory infections, parasites, and impaction. Regular vet check-ups are essential to ensure their health and wellbeing.
  10. Bearded dragons are fascinating and rewarding pets, but they require time, effort, and financial investment to care for properly. It’s essential to research and ensure you’re ready to take on this responsibility before getting a bearded dragon.

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Bearded dragon lifespan

Did you know a Bearded dragon lifespan is up to 15 years, but some do live longer than 15. So make sure if you get one, you know possibly that your bearded dragon is going to be with you for a long time.

Bearded dragon vitamin requirements

Bearded dragons require a balanced diet with essential vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. Here are the vital vitamins that bearded dragons need:

  1. Vitamin D3: Bearded dragons require UVB light to help produce vitamin D3, which is essential for calcium absorption. Without enough vitamin D3, they can develop metabolic bone disease.
  2. Calcium: is vital for strong bones and egg production in female bearded dragons. Calcium supplementation is crucial for captive bearded dragons since their diets may not provide enough calcium.
  3. Vitamin A: Vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy skin, vision, and reproductive function in bearded dragons.
  4. Vitamin E: E is an antioxidant that helps protect bearded dragons from oxidative stress and supports their immune system.
  5. Vitamin B complex: The B vitamins are essential for various metabolic functions, including energy production, nervous system function, and skin health.

It’s crucial to ensure that your bearded dragon’s diet includes a variety of enjoyable foods that provide these essential vitamins. In addition, bearded dragons may benefit from occasional vitamin and mineral supplements. However, it’s vital not to over-supplement, as this can also harm their health. Always consult a veterinarian knowledgeable in reptile care to ensure your bearded dragon gets the right amount and balance of vitamins and minerals in their diet.

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